I have decided to vote yes for initiative 42 for several important reasons such as funding and the people voting on the issue in the first place. With Initiative 42, it is a system designed to provide an adequate and equal system of funding for all Mississippi schools. If you don’t vote for 42, the same legislature will stay in charge and keep making the same decisions that corrupted the system in the first place. After all, the legislature decided to make Initiative 42 a law in the first place and then only followed through with it for 2 years. Why would we allow them to make the decision on it when they disregarded it even after the created it. With a singular judge making the decision, they could make sure that the funding isn’t being redistributed to other government funded initiatives (which happens with the legislature). The judge has a new perspective with a chance of creating a new system that could create equal opportunity for all students throughout Mississippi.
Vote Yes For Change: Initiative 42
To any man or woman that desires the change, that is necessary, to evolve our broken system of funding for education into a system with potential for excellence, in all demographics, then it is imperative for Initiative 42 to be considered with great inquiry. Without adequate funding, not only will many learning facilities fail, but also the students of these failing “learning” facilities acquire simply the bare minimum of skills with little chance for them to excel beyond the standard. As of now, graduation rates in Mississippi schools fluctuate from the high 90s to the low 40s; with adequate funding, however, the daunting gap would become exponentially smaller as graduation rates would rise.
Voting no would correspond to the simple denial of equal opportunity for students from every area of Mississippi; although budget is a disputed issue, education should be a priority set below only few other necessities. To deny a small increase in taxes or a possible cut in budget of other areas, equates to the declination of a student’s fundamental right to a properly funded education so that he or she may have the potential to prosper along with the mass. |
YES FOR 42!!!The importance of education cannot be overstated. Most Americans would consider it a right rather than a privilege, but in Mississippi it would seem as though only a few actually enjoy this “right.” The status quo of the system emplaced enables legislature to avoid proper funding of education, resulting in Mississippi having a school system ranking of 50 and being classified as “Low Spending & Weak School System” according to an article in The Huffington Post. The measures proposed in Initiative 42 are an attempt to fix this. They are an attempt to better the education for all Mississippi students. How can I guarantee that this proposition will actually better education? Well no, I cannot guarantee that, but I would argue that legislature is less likely to fix it, since it has had the power to determine how schools will be funded, but has yet to properly do so. One must view Initiative 42 as a chance to better education rather than a “different method.” Many would argue that more money does not equal better education, but it is unreasonable to expect students to perform with outdated books and few technological commodities that most take for granted. The most unappealing aspect of Initiative 42 is that it more than likely means higher taxes, but how else do the people of Mississippi expect improvements in their communities? This increase of taxes is more like an investment in the students of Mississippi. Proper funding will empower students and hone their skills, maximizing the usage of individual potential. How else to better a highly democratic society but to educate its people adequately? We can either accept initiative 42 or leave the system as is, broken.
A Vote Yes is a vote to be better.A major controversial topic is whether or not to vote for initiative measure 42 and whether to vote for 42 or 42 alternative. Initiative measure 42 requires the state to provide support for public schools. The chancery courts will have the responsibility to enforce this initiative. Currently, the Legislature is in charge of funding public schools. Mississippi schools are not being adequately funded. Initiative measure 42 A continues to give the Legislature the power to control funds. Initiative 42 is the only way for change. By voting for 42, you are voting for better teachers, better buses, better textbooks, and an overall better education for the children in Mississippi.
VOTE YESVote YES for Initiative 42, a law regarding public education--your education.
This constitutional change was put on the ballot by 200,000 people who signed a petition in favor for it. The state of Mississippi spends 30% less, per student, compared to neighboring states. It's time to make a change in the way things are running, and Initiative 42 plans on doing just that. In terms of checks and balances, Legislature is lacking balance and has failed to improve public education as a whole. By passing the issue to the chancery court of Hinds County, the issue will be addressed head on with the necessary sense of importance that your education deserves. Vote yes for your education--vote YES for Initiative 42. |